Cymraeg i Bawb
Enjoy living life in two languages or more!
Welcome to the Cymraeg i Bawb (Welsh for Everybody) website. We are creating a Wales where everyone is free to learn and speak Welsh. If you're interested in Welsh-medium education, come in…

About Cymraeg i Bawb
The South East Wales Welsh Medium Education Promotion Partnership and Llio Elgar as the Pencampwr (Champion) are responsible for Cymraeg i Bawb – the campaign to promote Welsh-medium education.
Welsh Education
Are you and your children interested in speaking Welsh and thinking about what school you’d like them to go to? Go to you local area to find out more, at the Schools finder to find a local school or visit out Experiences page for children having fun speaking Welsh.

Come in to see children and young people learning and speaking Welsh!
Also - ideas on how to promote Welsh medium education
Life in Welsh
It’s fun living life in two languages or more! Watch, listen, join in and create!