Blaenau Gwent

Your Bilingual Journey 

For more information about Welsh-medium education in Blaenau Gwent here's a link to our website.

The Benefits of Bilingualism 

  • Can improve brain power, keeping your brain healthy and sharp.
  • It can improve your child’s multitasking skills, bettering their attention control, problem solving and creativity.
  • Children in Welsh-medium education do just as well, if not better, in English as children in English Medium education.
  • Improves competitiveness in the job market - bilingual people earn an average of 11% more than monolingual individuals.
  • Learning a second language at an early age helps children develop an ear for languages as they get older.
  • Raising children bilingually will help them acknowledge their culture and heritage as well as develop a strong personal identity.
  • Improve social life, speaking a second language opens up a whole new range of social opportunities and can enhance your social skills and confidence.
    Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Helyg a Ysgol Gymraeg Tredegar 

Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Helyg a Ysgol Gymraeg Tredegar 

Blaenau Gwent finds itself in a very exciting period as work is underway on the construction of our second Welsh medium primary, Ysgol Gymraeg Tredegar . The school is due to open in the Spring of 2025, with space to accommodate 210 pupils. 

While construction is carried out the students set out to attend Ysgol Gymraeg Tredegar are being taught in a temporary classroom within Bedwellty House. Bedwellty House is situated on the beautiful grounds of Bedwellty Park, meaning the students have been able to benefit from the natural surroundings enhancing their education with elements of outdoor learning. 

Would you like to talk about Welsh-medium Education? Please call 01495 355470 for a friendly chat.

Being Bilingual Booklet

Choosing Childcare

Here is Blaenau Gwent Family Information Services - Welsh Medium Childcare  

Mudiad Meithrin, an organisation that specialise in Welsh medium early years education offer a range of fun filled and developmentally stimulating playgroups. We have a Cylch Meithrin on the grounds of Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Helyg , Helyg Bychan, Cylch Gwdihw in Brynithel and one in Tredegar that operates out of Stocktonville Hall. 

Cymraeg i Blant (Welsh for Kids) is here from the very beginning to help you as a new parent learn how to introduce Welsh into your home when opting for Welsh-medium childcare and education.

Free weekly in person and online support groups provide practical tips and recommendations for bilingual books and apps to use at home with your child. The also run baby yoga, baby massage and Welsh rhymetime and sign sessions. 

Clwb Cwtsh is a fun-filled, taster programme focusing on speaking Welsh with young children. It’s aimed at parents to be, parents/carers and extended family members. You don’t need any Welsh to join, so why not give it a go? The courses are free and can be held virtually over Teams so you can get support from the comfort of your own home. 

The Cylch Ti a Fi the baby and toddler playgroup is a wonderful way to begin your family's journey with the Welsh language, as parents and children come together to play and learn. Ti a Fi offer the chance to learn simple Welsh songs, listen to Welsh stories from a wide range of Welsh books, play with toys, engage in messy play and generally build friendships. 

Menter Iaith Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen and Mynwy     

Menter Iaith BGTM was established in 2007 making it one of the youngest Welsh Language Initiatives amongst the 22 that exist across Wales. The Menter serves three counties – Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen and Monmouthshire.

Menter Iaith was established to arrange a variety of events for people of all ages, backgrounds, and linguistic ability to enjoy and socialise in Welsh. The Mentrau offer community events and activities in order to promote use of the Welsh language. 

Click the link above to see all the events and work our Menter does in the area.

Welsh Language Immersion Unit 

Even if your child hasn’t been attending Welsh medium nursery it’s not too late, Ysgol Bro Helyg have a fantastic immersion unit, see the video below for more information...

Blaenau Gwent Schools Admissions 

School Transport

The Council will offer free transport for nursery pupils who reside over 1.5 miles from their home address to Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Helyg.  Check out the video below to hear from the parents who are already benefitting from the transport provided:

Pupils who wish to undertake their Post 16 studies via the medium of Welsh and are required to travel further distances for their education (with no direct public service bus routes), can use the existing contracted bus provision in lieu of the Travel Grant. For more information contact 01495 311556 or email: